Tuesday, May 2, 2023

Florida's second most populous county by the numbers: Broward in 1980 and 2020s


Aerial view of Pompano Beach 1980
State Archives of Florida, Dept. of Commerce

Broward County accounts for 8.8 percent of Florida’s population (2022). It is the second most populous in the Sunshine State.

Comparison of Broward County demographics in 1980 and 2022 reveals how the county has changed. Some statistics parallel those of the nation, of course, but most spotlight the area’s singular growth. Categories changed over the years, making contrasts of some statistics impossible. But recent numbers reflect the current picture if not changes.

In 1980, people were drawn to the area for its weather. The biggest problems in Broward County then were thought to be traffic congestion and high crime. In 2022, the weather remains a big pull factor, though traffic is worse than ever. Today, push factors such as high taxes and rampant crime in home states loom large as motivation to leave for the greener pastures and white beaches in Florida.


Broward County Population  

Total: 1.018 million

50% lived in the county less than seven years

36% moved here from the New York City metropolitan area

54% female

90% white

Average age 39.3 years of age (30% over 60 years in age; 27% 20 years or less)

Politics: 28% identify as liberal

Education: 46% have some college


60% of households earned more than $15,000/year

11% of household earned $35,000 or over a year

10% earned less than $4,000 a year


Median price of a single-family house: $62,884

 59% lived in single family homes

18% lived in condominiums

13% lived in rental apartments

10% lived in mobile homes or boats


43% Protestant

32% Catholic

15% Jewish

Fort Lauderdale 2022


Note: “Median” refers to the same number of prices or ages or other quantifiers above and below.

Broward County Population  

Total:  1.944 million

34.2% White (non-Hispanic)

27.6 % Black

30.9% Hispanic

7.3% other


Median age in 2020: 40.5 (not necessarily the same as average age)

Under 5 years – 5.7%

5-17 – 15.6%

18-34 – 20.9%

35-64 41.2%

65-74 - 9.5%

75+ 7.1%

Largest cities and population

Fort Lauderdale: 189,019

Pembroke Pines: 171,309

Hollywood: 154,909

29.8% live alone

Residents by birth - 2022

Other from throughout United States: 578,268 or 29.9%

Florida born: 682,587 or 35%

Foreign born: 673,696 or 34.8%

Income and jobs - 2022

Median household income: $64,522

Median family income: $77,610

Top job sectors by industry sector

1. Retail

2. Healthcare and social assistance

3. Accommodations and food service


Median price of a single-family home: $91,800 in 2021

Median sales price of a single-family home April 2023: $398,999 (Rockethomes.com) The county reports $540,000

Education 2022

College – some and up to advanced degree: 63.1% as reported by Broward County (this stat may include broader age group than that below)

U.S. Census reports 34.3% for those over 25 have some college

Religion - primarily Protestant

Politics - 48.85 registered as Democrats


Sun-Sentinel, Jan. 13, 1980

Sun-Sentinel, June 6, 1991

State of Florida

Broward County: https://www.broward.org/Planning/Demographics/Pages/QuickFacts.aspx

Rocket Homes: https://www.rockethomes.com/real-estate-trends/fl/broward-county

U.S. Census https://www.census.gov/quickfacts/browardcountyflorida

Tags: Broward County history, Broward County statistcs, Broward County in the 1980s